Langlade County Administrative-Town Unit Meeting

March 9th, 2023 | 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Event Location: County Board Room in Lower Level of Safety Building | 840 Clermont Street | Antigo, Wisconsin 54409 Get Directions »

This is a combined meeting of the Langlade County Board Administrative Committee and the WTA County Unit.  Meeting participation is encouraged for all town officials.  The meetings empower you to network with other town and county officials, engage with legislators, learn from speakers, hear updates from WTA Directors, and improve your ability to serve your constituents.  The Langlade County Unit leaders look forward to your participation.

  1. Call the meeting to order at 5:30 PM
  2. Conduct Roll Call
  3. Recite the Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Approve/amend the minutes
  5. Brief introductions
  6. Legislator Reports
  7. Update on LC Broadband Commission
  8. YMCA Taskforce Update
  9. Highway Department: Explanation of the bill sent to the Towns for Services
  10. Solar Farms: Update for the Towns when Solar Farms come into the area - Attorney Lara Carlson, WTA Legal Counsel
  11. WTA Director Reports
  12. Old Business
  13. New Business
  14. Verify date of next meeting
  15. Adjourn the meeting

An email reminder will be sent 3-5 business days prior to this meeting.  We use the email address submitted annually by your town.  If you are NOT receiving emails from WTA, please contact our office at 715-526-3157 with your email address.

A quorum of members of the listed town boards may attend the above noticed meeting in order to gather or provide information.  No action will be taken by any of the listed town boards at this meeting.  This notice is provided in accordance with State ex rel. Badke v. Greendale Village Bd., 173 Wis.2d 553,494 N.W.2d 408 (1993).