ACE Meetings

ACE (Agricultural Community Engagement) is a partnership between the WTA, the Wisconsin Counties Association and the Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin that keeps producers and community leaders engaged in dialogue about important agricultural issues at the local level.  Each year, the WTA, partners with the Wisconsin Counties Association and the Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin to sponsor seminars, farm tours and community Twilight Meetings.  These events foster an ongoing communication about the current and future role that dairy farms play in our local communities.  

Attend one or more of the free Agricultural Community Engagement® (ACE) Twilight Meetings August 26, 27, 28, and 29 from 6:00-8:30 p.m., in Woodville, Pittsville, Kewaunee and Lodi, WI. Each meeting will kick off with a farm tour at 6:00 p.m. and will be followed by ice cream and open discussions. This event will conclude at 8:30 p.m.

Join local community leaders, local elected officials, educators and dairy farmers to learn together and discuss important issues such as water, community development, resource management, changes in ag and rural communities, road and transportation and other critical subjects.

Open to the public, these meetings are brought to you in partnership with the Wisconsin Counties Association, Wisconsin Towns Association and the Professional Dairy Producers® (PDP).

These meetings are free and open to the public. For additional information, call PDPW at 800-947-7379 or email [email protected].